untitled – a poem

ink swirling
curling into shapes
of powerful reform

potential in liquid
ambiguity lucid
lucridity of luxury
reality, yet not…
not a knot to untie
yet sometimes
but always
locked in the form
of potential reform.

starlight swirling
curling into shapes
of destined reform

potential explicit
questions illicit
yet sometimes. not.
but always. so.

lucridity of reality
knots sewn into
our unravelled blanket
of formless reform

3 thoughts on “untitled – a poem

  1. Rachelle Fordyce Post author

    This is a poem I wrote many years ago. I believe I originally wrote it in 2002 or 2003.

    It’s not that the poem doesn’t have a title… rather, its title *is* untitled.

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